
The Simulation class attaches a physics engine to a configuration, allows to step physics on that configuration and to control joints by position, velocity, or accelerations, grab simulated RGB and depth images, and add “adverserial imps” (that is, callback methods that perturb the controls, configuration, or sensor signals in some way).


The c’tor attaches a physics engine to the given configuration and initializes it. The current choices for engine are PhysX, Bullet, and just kinematic (no physics engine). verbose=1 will open a display.

Stepping physics

The core methods steps a physics engine. This distinguishes between dynamic objects, which are governed by the laws of physics of the physics engine, and kinematic objects, which typically are the robot links. The method 1) applies the joint controls (positions, velocities, or accelerations) to the associated configuration, 2) pushes the kinematic objects (esp.the robot configuration) into the physics engine, 3) steps the actual physics engine, 4) reads out all frames of all objects and updates the associated configuration with these. In addition, between each of these steps, an imp can introduce perturbations.

u_mode can be none for not sending control signals (in which case u_control can be []). Otherwise u_control needs to contain joint positions, velocities or accelerations for all DOFs.

As the robot is explicitly controlled, the joint state should be clear to the user. Still, for completeness two methods return the current joint positions and velocities:

Opening & closing the gripper, and gripping state

Many real grippers are controlled differently to standard robot joints: They receive a signal to close and do so until a force limit is reached. Similarly for opening. Therefore also this simulation has separate methods to command grippers and also read out their state.

The open/close methods need the name of the gripper. The speed/width/force are not yet implemented.

The gripper width can always be queried. And typical grippers also tell you if they have an object in hand:

Getting simulated RGB and depth images

Using OpenGL it is straight-forward to grab an RGB and depth image from a camera. The Simulation allows you to specify a camera by referring to a camera frame of the configuration, which should have (focalLength, width, height, zRange) as attributes (defined in the configuration description file *.g). In C++, the cameraview access exposes more ways to add and define sensors. The following methods grabs RGB and depth from opengl, and properly transforms depth values to have values in meters. Optionally, imps can post-process these images to add noise and systematic errors.

Simulation states: restarting the simulation in previous states

It is often disirable to restart a physical simulation in an exact same state that has been visited before. This is often missing in standard physics engines. Infact, also the following methods are slighly approximate, as they cannot exactly know and store some hidden states of the engines’ internal numerical solvers. What they store and re-instantiate (getState and restoreState) is the exact poses and velocities of all frames of the scene. (TODO: Also discrete facts, such as which grippers hold objects, must be stored.) The setState method allows you to directly set arbitrary pose and velocity states.

Helper: depthData2pointCloud

This should acutally be declared somewhere else. In C++ it is a global method within the Perception code. A helper to convert a depth image (already in meters) to a set of 3D points (a (W*H)x3-matrix). The argument fxypxy need to be four numbers: the focal length (in pixel/meters units!) in x and y direction, and the image center (in pixel units) in x and y direction.