Getting Started

Quick Install

Install the robotic python package. On a standard Ubuntu, the following should be sufficient:

sudo apt install liblapack3 freeglut3 libglew-dev python3 python3-pip
python3 -m pip install --user robotic numpy scipy

A standard test is

python3 -c 'from robotic import ry; print("ry version:", ry.__version__, ry.compiled());'
python3 -c 'from robotic import ry; ry.test.RndScene()'

Compiling from Source & Docstrings

  • Compiling for the real robot: The robotic pip package does not have the real robot drivers (for the Franka Panda robot) included, and therefore only supports simulation mode. However, the interface and code is designed so that everything directly transfers to the real robot: All you have to do is re-compile the python package on your machine, including the libfranka and librealsense drivers. This is done by installing the rai-python package.

  • Sources for the wheel: The pip package is created also created with the rai-python. The hardest part was to create a Docker that compiles ALL the many dependencies as static libraries in a CentOS - once that’s done, the lib can be compiled in a compatible manner, not depending on shared libs.

  • Docstrings and tab completion for ry: When you code in an IDE (e.g. VS code), you definitely want to have tab completion and docstrings for the methods. The ry module is compiled using pybind11 from C++ code and natively lacks docstrings and tab completion. However, using pybind11-stubgen one can generate something like a header file for the whole python module, called ry.ipy. That file resides in ~/.local/lib/python*/site-packages/robotic/ry.ipy next to the and is important to get tab completion working. Ensure that after installing robotic, your IDE supports tab completion for ry classes and methods.

    If tab-autocomplete for jupyter does not work, try python3 -m pip install --user jedi==0.17.2

Downloading the tutorial notebooks

git clone
cd rai-tutorials
jupyter-notebook .

If you don’t have jupyter installed yet:

pip3 install --user jupyter nbconvert matplotlib