rai python API
rai bindings
- class robotic.ry.BotOp
Robot Operation interface – see https://marctoussaint.github.io/robotics-course/tutorials/1b-botop.html
- getCameraFxycxy(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, sensorName: str) arr
returns camera intrinsics
- getImageAndDepth(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, sensorName: str) tuple
returns image and depth from a camera sensor
- getImageDepthPcl(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, sensorName: str, globalCoordinates: bool = False) tuple
returns image, depth and point cloud (assuming sensor knows intrinsics) from a camera sensor, optionally in global instead of camera-frame-relative coordinates
- getKeyPressed(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) int
get key pressed in window at last sync
- getTimeToEnd(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) float
get time-to-go of the current spline reference that is tracked (use getTimeToEnd()<=0. to check if motion execution is done)
- get_q(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) arr
get the current (real) robot joint vector
- get_qDot(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) arr
get the current (real) robot joint velocities
- get_qHome(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) arr
returns home joint vector (defined as the configuration C when you created BotOp)
- get_t(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) float
returns the control time (absolute time managed by the high freq tracking controller)
- get_tauExternal(self: robotic.ry.BotOp) arr
get the current (real) robot joint torques (external: gravity & acceleration removed) – each call averages from last call; first call might return nonsense!
- gripperClose(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, leftRight: robotic.ry.ArgWord, force: float = 10.0, width: float = 0.05, speed: float = 0.1) None
close gripper
- gripperCloseGrasp(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, leftRight: robotic.ry.ArgWord, objName: str, force: float = 10.0, width: float = 0.05, speed: float = 0.1) None
close gripper and indicate what should be grasped – makes no different in real, but helps simulation to mimic grasping more reliably
- gripperDone(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, leftRight: robotic.ry.ArgWord) bool
returns if gripper is done
- gripperMove(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, leftRight: robotic.ry.ArgWord, width: float = 0.075, speed: float = 0.2) None
move the gripper to width (default: open)
- gripperPos(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, leftRight: robotic.ry.ArgWord) float
returns the gripper pos
- hold(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, floating: bool = False, damping: bool = True) None
hold the robot with a trivial PD controller, floating means reference = real, without damping the robot is free floating
- home(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, C: robotic.ry.Config) None
immediately drive the robot home (see get_qHome); keeps argument C synced; same as moveTo(qHome, 1., True); wait(C);
- move(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, path: arr, times: arr, overwrite: bool = False, overwriteCtrlTime: float = -1.0) None
core motion command: set a spline motion reference; if only a single time [T] is given for multiple waypoints, it assumes equal time spacing with TOTAL time T
By default, the given spline is APPENDED to the current reference spline. The user can also enforce the given spline to overwrite the current reference starting at the given absolute ctrlTime. This allows implementation of reactive (e.g. MPC-style) control. However, the user needs to take care that overwriting is done in a smooth way, i.e., that the given spline starts with a pos/vel that is close to the pos/vel of the current reference at the given ctrlTime.
- moveAutoTimed(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, path: arr, maxVel: float = 1.0, maxAcc: float = 1.0) None
helper to execute a path (typically fine resolution, from KOMO or RRT) with equal time spacing chosen for given max vel/acc
- moveTo(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, q_target: arr, timeCost: float = 1.0, overwrite: bool = False) None
helper to move to a single joint vector target, where timing is chosen optimally based on the given timing cost
When using overwrite, this immediately steers to the target – use this as a well-timed reactive q_target controller
- setCompliance(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, J: arr, compliance: float = 0.5) None
set a task space compliant, where J defines the task space Jacobian, and compliance goes from 0 (no compliance) to 1 (full compliance, but still some damping)
- setControllerWriteData(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, arg0: int) None
[for internal debugging only] triggers writing control data into a file
- stop(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, C: robotic.ry.Config) None
immediately stop the robot; keeps argument C synced; same as moveTo(get_q(), 1., True); wait(C);
- sync(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, C: robotic.ry.Config, waitTime: float = 0.1) int
sync your workspace configuration C with the robot state
- wait(self: robotic.ry.BotOp, C: robotic.ry.Config, forKeyPressed: bool = True, forTimeToEnd: bool = True) int
repeatedly sync your workspace C until a key is pressed or motion ends (optionally)
- class robotic.ry.CameraView
Offscreen rendering
- computeImageAndDepth(self: robotic.ry.CameraView, config: robotic.ry.Config, visualsOnly: bool = True) tuple
returns image and depth from a camera sensor; the ‘config’ argument needs to be the same configuration as in the constructor, but in new state
- computeSegmentationID(self: robotic.ry.CameraView) Array<T>
return a uint16 array with object ID segmentation
- computeSegmentationImage(self: robotic.ry.CameraView) Array<T>
return an rgb image encoding the object ID segmentation
- getFxyCxy(self: robotic.ry.CameraView) arr
return the camera intrinsics f_x, f_y, c_x, c_y
- setCamera(self: robotic.ry.CameraView, cameraFrameName: str) rai::CameraView::Sensor
select a camera, typically a frame that has camera info attributes
- class robotic.ry.Config
Core data structure to represent a kinematic configuration (essentially a tree of frames). See https://marctoussaint.github.io/robotics-course/tutorials/1a-configurations.html
- addConfigurationCopy(self: robotic.ry.Config, config: robotic.ry.Config, tau: float = 1.0) None
- addFile(self: robotic.ry.Config, filename: str, namePrefix: str = '') robotic.ry.Frame
add the contents of the file to C
- addFrame(self: robotic.ry.Config, name: str, parent: str = '', args: str = '') robotic.ry.Frame
add a new frame to C; optionally make this a child to the given parent; use the Frame methods to set properties of the new frame
- animate(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
displays while articulating all dofs in a row
- attach(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: str, arg1: str) None
change the configuration by creating a rigid joint from frame1 to frame2, adopting their current relative pose. This also breaks the first joint that is parental to frame2 and reverses the topological order from frame2 to the broken joint
- clear(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
clear all frames and additional data; becomes the empty configuration, with no frames
- computeCollisions(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
call the broadphase collision engine (SWIFT++ or FCL) to generate the list of collisions (or near proximities) between all frame shapes that have the collision tag set non-zero
- copy(self: robotic.ry.Config, C2: robotic.ry.Config) None
make C a (deep) copy of the given C2
- delFrame(self: robotic.ry.Config, frameName: str) None
destroy and remove a frame from C
- equationOfMotion(self: robotic.ry.Config, qdot: List[float], gravity: bool) tuple
- eval(self: robotic.ry.Config, featureSymbol: robotic.ry.FS, frames: StringA = [], scale: arr = array(1.e-05), target: arr = array(0.0078125), order: int = -1) tuple
evaluate a feature – see https://marctoussaint.github.io/robotics-course/tutorials/features.html
- feature(self: robotic.ry.Config, featureSymbol: robotic.ry.FS, frameNames: List[str] = [], scale: List[float] = [], target: List[float] = [], order: int = -1) Feature
create a feature (a differentiable map from joint state to a vector space), as they’re typically used for IK or optimization. See the dedicated tutorial for details. featureSymbol defines which mapping this is (position, vectors, collision distance, etc). many mapping refer to one or several frames, which need to be specified using frameNames
- frame(self: robotic.ry.Config, frameName: str) robotic.ry.Frame
get access to a frame by name; use the Frame methods to set/get frame properties
- frames(self: robotic.ry.Config) List[robotic.ry.Frame]
- getCollisions(self: robotic.ry.Config, belowMargin: float = 1.0) list
return the results of collision computations: a list of 3 tuples with (frame1, frame2, distance). Optionally report only on distances below a margin To get really precise distances and penetrations use the FS.distance feature with the two frame names
- getDofIDs(self: robotic.ry.Config) List[int]
- getFrame(self: robotic.ry.Config, frameName: str) robotic.ry.Frame
get access to a frame by name; use the Frame methods to set/get frame properties
- getFrameDimension(self: robotic.ry.Config) int
get the total number of frames
- getFrameNames(self: robotic.ry.Config) List[str]
get the list of frame names
- getFrameState(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
getFrameState(self: robotic.ry.Config) -> numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
get the frame state as a n-times-7 numpy matrix, with a 7D pose per frame
getFrameState(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: str) -> numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
TODO remove -> use individual frame!
- getJointDimension(self: robotic.ry.Config) int
get the total number of degrees of freedom
- getJointNames(self: robotic.ry.Config) StringA
get the list of joint names
- getJointState(self: robotic.ry.Config) arr
get the joint state as a numpy vector, optionally only for a subset of joints specified as list of joint names
- getTotalPenetration(self: robotic.ry.Config) float
returns the sum of all penetrations
- makeObjectsConvex(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
remake all meshes associated with all frames to become their convex hull
- report(self: robotic.ry.Config) str
- selectJoints(self: robotic.ry.Config, jointNames: List[str], notThose: bool = False) None
redefine what are considered the DOFs of this configuration: only joints listed in jointNames are considered part of the joint state and define the number of DOFs
- setFrameState(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
setFrameState(self: robotic.ry.Config, X: List[float], frames: List[str] = []) -> None
set the frame state, optionally only for a subset of frames specified as list of frame names
setFrameState(self: robotic.ry.Config, X: numpy.ndarray, frames: List[str] = []) -> None
set the frame state, optionally only for a subset of frames specified as list of frame names
- setJointState(self: robotic.ry.Config, q: arr, joints: list = []) None
set the joint state, optionally only for a subset of joints specified as list of joint names
- setJointStateSlice(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: List[float], arg1: int) None
- sortFrames(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
resort the internal order of frames according to the tree topology. This is important before saving the configuration.
- stepDynamics(self: robotic.ry.Config, qdot: List[float], u_control: List[float], tau: float, dynamicNoise: float, gravity: bool) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- view(self: robotic.ry.Config, pause: bool = False, message: str = None) int
open a view window for the configuration
- view_close(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
close the view
- view_focalLength(self: robotic.ry.Config) float
return the focal length of the view camera (only intrinsic parameter)
- view_fxycxy(self: robotic.ry.Config) arr
return (fx, fy, cx, cy): the focal length and image center in PIXEL UNITS
- view_getDepth(self: robotic.ry.Config) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32]
- view_getRgb(self: robotic.ry.Config) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
- view_playVideo(self: robotic.ry.Config, delay: float = 1.0, saveVideoPath: str = None) None
- view_pose(self: robotic.ry.Config) arr
return the 7D pose of the view camera
- view_recopyMeshes(self: robotic.ry.Config) None
- view_savePng(self: robotic.ry.Config, pathPrefix: str = 'z.vid/') None
saves a png image of the current view, numbered with a global counter, with the intention to make a video
- view_setCamera(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: robotic.ry.Frame) None
set the camera pose to a frame, and check frame attributes for intrinsic parameters (focalLength, width height)
- watchFile(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: str) None
launch a viewer that listents (inode) to changes of a file (made by you in an editor), and reloads, displays and animates the configuration whenever the file is changed
- write(self: robotic.ry.Config) str
write the full configuration in a string (roughly yaml), e.g. for file export
- writeCollada(self: robotic.ry.Config, arg0: str, arg1: str) None
write the full configuration in a collada file for export
- writeURDF(self: robotic.ry.Config) str
write the full configuration as URDF in a string, e.g. for file export
- class robotic.ry.FS
- property name
- class robotic.ry.Feature
to be removed - use only directly from Config
- description(self: robotic.ry.Feature, arg0: robotic.ry.Config) str
- eval(self: robotic.ry.Feature, arg0: robotic.ry.Config) tuple
- setOrder(self: robotic.ry.Feature, arg0: int) robotic.ry.Feature
- setScale(self: robotic.ry.Feature, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Feature
- setTarget(self: robotic.ry.Feature, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Feature
- class robotic.ry.Frame
A (coordinate) of a configuration, which can have a parent, and associated shape, joint, and/or inertia
- addAttributes(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: dict) None
add/set attributes for the frame
- getAttributes(self: robotic.ry.Frame) dict
get frame attributes
- getJointState(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getMeshPoints(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getMeshTriangles(self: robotic.ry.Frame) uintA
- getPosition(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getQuaternion(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getRelativePosition(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getRelativeQuaternion(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getRotationMatrix(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- getSize(self: robotic.ry.Frame) arr
- info(self: robotic.ry.Frame) dict
- setAttribute(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: str, arg1: float) robotic.ry.Frame
- setColor(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setContact(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: int) robotic.ry.Frame
- setJoint(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: robotic.ry.JT) robotic.ry.Frame
- setJointState(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setMass(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: float) robotic.ry.Frame
- setMeshAsLines(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: List[float]) None
- setParent(self: robotic.ry.Frame, parent: robotic.ry.Frame, keepAbsolutePose_and_adaptRelativePose: bool = False, checkForLoop: bool = False) robotic.ry.Frame
- setPointCloud(self: robotic.ry.Frame, points: numpy.ndarray, colors: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8] = array([], dtype=uint8)) None
- setPose(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: str) None
- setPosition(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setQuaternion(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setRelativePose(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: str) None
- setRelativePosition(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setRelativeQuaternion(self: robotic.ry.Frame, arg0: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- setShape(self: robotic.ry.Frame, type: robotic.ry.ST, size: arr) robotic.ry.Frame
- unLink(self: robotic.ry.Frame) robotic.ry.Frame
- class robotic.ry.ImpType
- property name
- class robotic.ry.JT
- property name
- class robotic.ry.KOMO
Constrained solver to optimize configurations or paths. (KOMO = k-order Markov Optimization) – see https://marctoussaint.github.io/robotics-course/tutorials/1c-komo.html
- addControlObjective(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, times: arr, order: int, scale: float = 1.0, target: arr = array(0.0078125), deltaFromSlice: int = 0, deltaToSlice: int = 0) Objective
times: (as for addObjective) the phase-interval in which this objective holds; [] means all times
order: Do we penalize the jointState directly (order=0: penalizing sqr distance to qHome, order=1: penalizing sqr distances between consecutive configurations (velocities), order=2: penalizing accelerations across 3 configurations)
scale: as usual, but modulated by a factor ‘sqrt(delta t)’ that somehow ensures total control costs in approximately independent of the choice of stepsPerPhase
- addInteraction_elasticBounce(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, time: float, from: str, to: str, elasticity: float = 0.8, stickiness: float = 0.0) None
- addModeSwitch(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, times: arr, newMode: robotic.ry.SY, frames: StringA, firstSwitch: bool = True) None
- addObjective(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, times: arr, feature: robotic.ry.FS, frames: List[str] = [], type: ObjectiveType, scale: arr = array(0.0078125), target: arr = array(0.0078125), order: int = -1) None
central method to define objectives in the KOMO NLP: * times: the time intervals (subset of configurations in a path) over which this feature is active (irrelevant for IK) * feature: the feature symbol (see advanced Feature tutorial) * frames: the frames for which the feature is computed, given as list of frame names * type: whether this is a sum-of-squares (sos) cost, or eq or ineq constraint * scale: the matrix(!) by which the feature is multiplied * target: the offset which is substracted from the feature (before scaling)
- addQuaternionNorms(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, times: arr = array(0.0078125), scale: float = 3.0, hard: bool = True) None
- addTimeOptimization(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) None
- clearObjectives(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) None
- getFeatureNames(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) StringA
returns a long list of features (per time slice!), to be used by an NLP_Solver
- getForceInteractions(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) list
- getFrameState(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, arg0: int) arr
- getPath(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) arr
- getPathFrames(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) arr
- getPathTau(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) arr
- getPath_qAll(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) arrA
- getReport(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, arg0: bool) dict
- getT(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) int
- initOrg(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) None
- initPhaseWithDofsPath(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, t_phase: int, dofIDs: uintA, path: arr, autoResamplePath: bool = False) None
- initRandom(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, verbose: int = 0) None
- initWithConstant(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, q: arr) None
- initWithPath_qOrg(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, q: arr) None
- initWithWaypoints(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, waypoints: arrA, waypointSlicesPerPhase: int = 1, interpolate: bool = False, verbose: int = -1) uintA
- nlp(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) NLP
return the problem NLP
- report(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, specs: bool = False, plotOverTime: bool = False) dict
returns a dict with full report on features, optionally also on problem specs and plotting costs/violations over time
- reportProblem(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) str
- setConfig(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, config: robotic.ry.Config, enableCollisions: bool) None
[deprecated] please set directly in constructor
- setTiming(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, phases: float, slicesPerPhase: int, durationPerPhase: float, kOrder: int) None
[deprecated] please set directly in constructor
- updateRootObjects(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, config: robotic.ry.Config) None
update root frames (without parents) within all KOMO configurations
- view(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, pause: bool = False, txt: str = None) int
- view_close(self: robotic.ry.KOMO) None
- view_play(self: robotic.ry.KOMO, pause: bool = False, delay: float = 0.1, saveVideoPath: str = None) int
- class robotic.ry.NLP
Representation of a Nonlinear Mathematical Program
- evaluate(self: robotic.ry.NLP, arg0: arr) Tuple[arr, arr]
query the NLP at a point $x$; returns the tuple $(phi,J)$, which is the feature vector and its Jacobian; features define cost terms, sum-of-square (sos) terms, inequalities, and equalities depending on ‘getFeatureTypes’
- getBounds(self: robotic.ry.NLP) Tuple[arr, arr]
returns the tuple $(b_{lo},b_{up})$, where both vectors are of same dimensionality of $x$ (or size zero, if there are no bounds)
- getDimension(self: robotic.ry.NLP) int
return the dimensionality of $x$
- getFHessian(self: robotic.ry.NLP, arg0: arr) arr
returns Hessian of the sum of $f$-terms
- getFeatureTypes(self: robotic.ry.NLP) List[ObjectiveType]
features (entries of $phi$) can be of one of (ry.OT.f, ry.OT.sos, ry.OT.ineq, ry.OT.eq), which means (cost, sum-of-square, inequality, equality). The total cost $f(x)$ is the sum of all f-terms plus sum-of-squares of sos-terms.
- getInitializationSample(self: robotic.ry.NLP, previousOptima: arr = array(0.0078125)) arr
returns a sample (e.g. uniform within bounds) to initialize an optimization – not necessarily feasible
- report(self: robotic.ry.NLP, arg0: int) str
displays semantic information on the last query
- class robotic.ry.NLP_Factory
- setBounds(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Factory, arg0: arr, arg1: arr) None
- setDimension(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Factory, arg0: int) None
- setEvalCallback(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Factory, arg0: Callable[[arr], Tuple[arr, arr]]) None
- setFeatureTypes(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Factory, arg0: Array<T>) None
- testCallingEvalCallback(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Factory, arg0: arr) Tuple[arr, arr]
- class robotic.ry.NLP_Solver
An interface to portfolio of solvers
- getOptions(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- getTrace_J(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver) arr
- getTrace_costs(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver) arr
- getTrace_phi(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver) arr
- getTrace_x(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver) arr
- reportLagrangeGradients(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, arg0: StringA) dict
- setOptions(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, verbose: int = 1, stopTolerance: float = 0.01, stopFTolerance: float = -1.0, stopGTolerance: float = -1.0, stopEvals: int = 1000, maxStep: float = 0.2, damping: float = 1.0, stepInc: float = 1.5, stepDec: float = 0.5, wolfe: float = 0.01, muInit: float = 1.0, muInc: float = 5.0, muMax: float = 10000.0, muLBInit: float = 0.1, muLBDec: float = 0.2) robotic.ry.NLP_Solver
set solver options
- setProblem(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, arg0: robotic.ry.NLP) robotic.ry.NLP_Solver
- setSolver(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, arg0: NLP_SolverID) robotic.ry.NLP_Solver
- setTracing(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, arg0: bool, arg1: bool, arg2: bool, arg3: bool) robotic.ry.NLP_Solver
- solve(self: robotic.ry.NLP_Solver, resampleInitialization: int = -1) SolverReturn
- class robotic.ry.NLP_SolverID
- property name
- class robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
solver options
- dict(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions) dict
- set_damping(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_maxStep(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_muInc(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_muInit(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_muLBDec(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_muLBInit(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_muMax(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stepDec(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stepInc(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stopEvals(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: int) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stopFTolerance(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stopGTolerance(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_stopTolerance(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_verbose(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: int) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- set_wolfe(self: robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions, arg0: float) robotic.ry.NLP_SolverOptions
- class robotic.ry.PathFinder
todo doc
- setExplicitCollisionPairs(self: robotic.ry.PathFinder, collisionPairs: StringA) robotic.ry.PathFinder
- setProblem(self: robotic.ry.PathFinder, Configuration: robotic.ry.Config, starts: arr, goals: arr) robotic.ry.PathFinder
- solve(self: robotic.ry.PathFinder) SolverReturn
- step(self: robotic.ry.PathFinder) bool
- class robotic.ry.ST
- property name
- class robotic.ry.SY
- property name
- class robotic.ry.Simulation
A direct simulation interface to physics engines (Nvidia PhysX, Bullet) – see https://marctoussaint.github.io/robotics-course/tutorials/simulation.html
- addImp(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, arg0: robotic.ry.ImpType, arg1: StringA, arg2: arr) None
- addSensor(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, sensorName: str, frameAttached: str = '', width: int = 640, height: int = 360, focalLength: float = -1.0, orthoAbsHeight: float = -1.0, zRange: arr = []) rai::CameraView::Sensor
- closeGripper(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, gripperFrameName: str, width: float = 0.05, speed: float = 0.3, force: float = 20.0) None
- depthData2pointCloud(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], arg1: List[float]) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- getGripperIsGrasping(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, gripperFrameName: str) bool
- getGripperWidth(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, gripperFrameName: str) float
- getGroundTruthPosition(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, arg0: str) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- getGroundTruthRotationMatrix(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, arg0: str) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- getGroundTruthSize(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, arg0: str) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- getImageAndDepth(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) tuple
- getScreenshot(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) Array<T>
- getState(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) tuple
returns a 4-tuple or frame state, joint state, frame velocities (linear & angular), joint velocities
- getTimeToMove(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) float
- get_q(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) arr
- get_qDot(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) arr
- loadTeleopCallbacks(self: robotic.ry.Simulation) None
- openGripper(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, gripperFrameName: str, width: float = 0.075, speed: float = 0.3) None
- pushConfigurationToSimulator(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, frameVelocities: arr = array(0.0078125), jointVelocities: arr = array(0.0078125)) None
set the simulator to the full (frame) state of the configuration
- selectSensor(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, sensorName: str) rai::CameraView::Sensor
- setMoveto(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, path: arr, t: float, append: bool = True) None
set the spline reference to genreate motion
- setState(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, frameState: arr, jointState: arr = array(0.0078125), frameVelocities: arr = array(0.0078125), jointVelocities: arr = array(0.0078125)) None
- step(self: robotic.ry.Simulation, u_control: arr, tau: float = 0.01, u_mode: robotic.ry.ControlMode = <ControlMode.velocity: 2>) None
- class robotic.ry.SolverReturn
return of nlp solve call
- dict(self: robotic.ry.SolverReturn) dict
- robotic.ry.compiled() str
return a compile date+time version string
- robotic.ry.depthImage2PointCloud(depth: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], fxycxy: arr) arr
return the point cloud from the depth image
- robotic.ry.getStartGoalPath(arg0: robotic.ry.Config, arg1: arr, arg2: arr) arr
- robotic.ry.params_add(arg0: dict) None
add/set parameters
- robotic.ry.params_clear() None
clear all parameters
- robotic.ry.params_file(arg0: str) None
add parameters from a file
- robotic.ry.params_print() None
print the parameters
- robotic.ry.raiPath(arg0: str) rai::String
get a path relative to rai base path
- robotic.ry.setRaiPath(arg0: str) None
redefine the rai (or rai-robotModels) path