
Synopsis ===

A Configuration is the core data structure in rai to represent a scene with objects and robots, similar to a scene graph in graphics. Essentially it stores a set of (coordinate) Frames, to each of which we can associate a Shape, Inertia, interaction forces, etc. Further, a configuration has DoFs (degrees-of-freedom), e.g. robot joint angles, which together form a vector. This vector representation of a configuration allows to apply optimization, control, and path finding methods on a configuration. Finally, a configuration allows you to compute Features, which is any numerical quantity you might want to compute about a configuration. This could be basic things like the position or orientation of a frame, or the distance between shapes, or nearest points on two shapes, but also more involved things like the error of motion under Newtonian dynamics. Features are the interface between a configuration and optimization (or constraint solving) algorithms.

A configuration can also represent a sequence of scenes'', i.e., a time discretized path. In this case, the configuration stores :math:`T` frames for a single objects, which all share the same shape and describe the motion of the object. Although the semantics of such a ``path configuration'' and normal configuration differ, in ``rai we use exactly the same data structure Configuration for both, as all the methods and operations we want to perform on them are essentially the same: We can parameterize a path configuration (trajectory dofs), and compute features on a path configuration (including velocity/acceleration/physics-based features).

A configuration is also an interface between various engines: Rendering (OpenGL), Physics engines (bullet, PhysX), and file formats (rai’s .g-file, URDF, collada).

Formally ===

In a rigid body case we would define a configuration \(C \in \SE(3)^m\) as \(m\) coordinate frames. To each frame a shape and/or inertia may be associated. We assume a configuration has dofs \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\) and write \(C(x)\). Given a configuration, we can compute features \(\phi(C(x)) \in \mathbb{R}^d\) and Jacobians \(\nabla_x \phi(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}\) of features. This is the role of the Configuration data structure.

Example Uses ===

Scene loading, editing, generation —

  • Loading URDF – use ry.tool.urdf2rai(); often requires manual fixes. See details here.

  • Editing .g-files – use ry.tool.kinEdit()! See details here.

  • editing and generation by code

Example: Load 2 robots into a file, attach the root of one robot to the endeff of the other, add and attach an own object, animate it, store it as urdf and collada.

Dofs, set/get state, seleting active dofs —

Computing Features —

Basic Inverse Kinematics —

The frame state — While the dof state is \(x\in\mathbb{R}^n\), the frame state is \(C(x) \in SE(3)^m\). That is, the frame state is the pose (position+quaternion) of all frames of the configuration. It is set and returned as a (m,7)-matrix.

Note the quirks in setting a frame state when we also have joints at the same time! Setting the frame state of all frames overwrites also all relative transformations, ignoring that a joint associated to the relative transformation might actually only parameterize a limited transformations (e.g. a hinge rotation). So setFrameState may easily set relative transforms to be inconsistent with joint constraints. A following setJointState would simply overwrite these relative transformations again. More interestingly, a getJointState following a setFrameState extracts the dofs along the joint dimensions from the the freely set relative transformation, and a following setJointState would result in a joint-consistent transformation as close as possible to the freely set relative transformation.

Computing Collisions — Many features require computation of potential collisions between all shapes. rai uses collision engines (FCL for broadphase, and lower-level ccd/GJK calls for precise collision information) to this end. A setState does not automatically trigger calling the collision engines. Some features such as F_accumulatedCollsions automatically ensure that these collision engines were called. However, the user can also explicitly ensure updated collision information by calling ensureProxies, after which collisions can be reported. This can be used, e.g., to implement an interface for path finding algorithms (e.g., OMPL).

Parents, Sub-Frames, & Links — Frames typically have parent frames. If a joint is associated to this parent relation, then this typically indicates that the relative transformation to the parent has DOFs (special case: A joint can also be rigid). If no joint is associated to the parent relation, then the child is really a sub-frame and part of the same link.

A link frame is one that has no parent or a joint to its parent. For a link frame we can (recursively) collect all sub-frames, which together describe a link (e.g. an object with multiple sub-shapes or inertias with different relative transformations to the link frame).

Activating/Filtering Collisions — Shapes have a cont property (TODO: change to int collide). If collide=0, collision evaluation is deactivated and it collides with no other shape; if collide=1 collision evaluation is activated; collisions of shapes within the same link are generally filtered out; if collide<0, then collision evaluation is activated but collisions are filtered out not only to other shapes in the same link, but also other shapes in the parent-link of order ‘-collide’, e.g., the two links tree-upward for collide=-2.

is only roughly supp

the pose (position orientation) of $m$ objects, equally including environment or (multi-) robot parts. A shape or inertia may be associated to each obj

Just as arrays (vectors, matrices) are the core data structure to code numerics, a Configuration is the core data structure to code robotics. A configuration represents objects in a 3D world and how they are kinematically linked. When coding robotics, you create configurations, edit them, compute numerical features from them (such as the 3D position of an object, or the distance between two shapes), and formulate optimization problems over configurations to solve control or path finding problems.

Features are the core concept that relate configurations to numerics: Any numerical quantity you might want to compute for a configuration is a Feature. This could be basic things like the position or orientation of a frame, or the distance between shapes, or nearest points on two shapes. But also more involved things like the total engergy in the configuration (if velocities are also represented). Often features represent errors or residuals of equation systems. For instance, you would often define a feature to be the residual between an object 3D position and a desired 3D position, rather than the absolute object position. Or a feature can be the residual of equations for force propagation or the residual of closed kinematic loops. In that way it is convenient to formulate optimization problems that aim to bring all features to zero (or lower equal to zero). Such optimization problems can solve control and path problems for you. Features are the interface between a configuration and numerics.

The relative transformations in configurations can have degrees of freedom (dofs), thereby modelling kinematic Joints. The vector of all these dofs is also called joint state. A fundamental operation is to “set the joint state” of a configuration, and then computing all relative and absolute transformations of all frames, which is called forward kinematics. The classical joint state is the main example for dofs – but in general we may want to introduce also other dofs, namely dofs that represent the force interaction between objects, or variables that indicate the time interval between two consecutive configurations. The reason is that these dofs can then become the decision variables in a mathematical program that solves for these quantities. Therefore, the general view is that whatever we might want to have as decision variable in a mathematical program should be dofs in configurations.


Adding frames to the configuration

A configuration is often initialized by reading it from a file. See .g-files to describe robot configurations for details on these files.

Alternatively, a configuration can also be build up within the code by adding more and more frames. See refFrame on how to specify the properties of frames.

Copy, clear

Joint state: get/set, and selecting active joints

Frame state

Features: Anything you might want to compute from Configurations

Structural edits

Collision computations

Functions to create other classes (KOMO, Simulation, viewer, etc)