========= Tutorials ========= All tutorials are jupyter notebooks, downloadable from https://github.com/MarcToussaint/rai-tutorials. For installation instructions, see `Getting Started `_. The first 3 are **intro tutorials** that introduce essentials for understanding the code: * **Configurations**: The core data structure used to represent scenes and robots, compute features, and feed into optimization problems, simulations, and real robot control. * **BotOp**: The *Robot Operation* interface used to control a real or simulated robot, as well as to access sensors. * **KOMO**: A framework to formulate optimization problems, esp. for motion design (IK, path optimization, and manipulation planning). .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 tutorials/config_1_intro tutorials/botop_1_intro tutorials/komo_1_intro The remaining tutorials cover various topics in more depth: .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 tutorials/botop_2_real_robot tutorials/config_2_features tutorials/config_3_import_edit tutorials/komo_2_reporting tutorials/komo_3_manipulation tutorials/ext_physx_simulation tutorials/ext_rendering tutorials/ext_rrt tutorials/ext_nlp_solvers tutorials/ext_gym_environment