Quaternions, Exponential Map, and Quaternion Jacobians

Marc Toussaint, Learning & Intelligent Systems Lab, TU Berlin, March, 2024

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$\text{SO}(2)$ is the space of rotations in the plane ${\mathbb{R}}^2$ (or about a single axis), which can be described by an angle $\alpha\in[0,2\pi]$. But there are good arguments to instead represent such rotations by a point on $S^1$, which is the circle in ${\mathbb{R}}^2$. E.g., topologically $\text{SO}(2)$ is equal to $S^1$ and not to the interval $[0,2\pi]$. Points in $S^1$ can also be described as $e^{i\alpha} \in{\mathbb{C}}$, which is the circle in the complex plane. Quaternions similarly represent rotations of $\text{SO}(3)$ as points on $S^3$, i.e., the sphere in ${\mathbb{R}}^4$. And just as $e^{i\alpha} \in{\mathbb{C}}$ gives points on the circle $S^1$, the exponential map of $\text{SO}(3)$ gives defines quaternions on $S^3$.

The following will first provide reference equations for quaternions, but then explain in more detail interpolation between rotations, which naturally introduces the exponential map directly for quaternions without need to go deeper into Lie groups. An emphasis is then on deriving the quaternion Jacobian, which describes the angular velocity that is induced when perturbing a quaternion parameter.


Let’s define a quaternion $q\in{\mathbb{R}}^4$ as a 4-vector.1 To represent a rotation, a quaternion needs to be normalized, i.e., $q\in S^3$. We denote the first entry by $q_0$ and the last three entries by $\bar q\equiv q_{1:3} \in{\mathbb{R}}^3$. Let’s first summarize some basic properties for a normalized quaternion:

\[\begin{align} \text{rotation angle $\theta\in{\mathbb{R}}$:} \quad \label{eqAngle} & \theta= 2 \mathop{\mathrm{acos}}(q_0) = 2\, \text{asin}(|\bar q|) \\ \text{normalized axis $\widehat w\in S^2$:} \quad \label{eqAxis} & \widehat w = \textstyle\frac{\bar q}{|\bar q|} = \textstyle\frac{1}{\sin(\theta/2)} \bar q \\ \text{rotation vector $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$:} \quad \label{eqLog} & w = \log(q) = 2 \mathop{\mathrm{acos}}(q_0)~ \textstyle\frac{\bar q}{|\bar q|} \\ \text{quat. from vector $w=\theta\widehat w$:} \quad \label{eqExp} & q = \exp(w) = (\cos(\theta/2),~ \sin(\theta/2)~ \widehat w) \\ \text{rotation matrix $R\in{\mathbb{R}}^{3\times 3}$:} \quad \label{eqMatrix} & R = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1-q_{22}-q_{33} & q_{12}-q_{03} & q_{13}+q_{02} \\ q_{12}+q_{03} & 1-q_{11}-q_{33} & q_{23}-q_{01} \\ q_{13}-q_{02} & q_{23}+q_{01} & 1-q_{11}-q_{22} \end{array}\right) ,~ q_{ij} := 2 q_i q_j \\ \text{quaternion from matrix:} \quad & q_0 = \textstyle\frac 12 \sqrt{1+{\rm tr}R},~ q_1 = \textstyle\frac{R_{32}-R_{23}}{4 q_0},~ q_2 = \textstyle\frac{R_{13}-R_{31}}{4 q_0},~ q_3 = \textstyle\frac{R_{21}-R_{12}}{4 q_0} \\ \text{quaternion inverse:} \quad & q^{-1} = (q_0,-\bar q) \quad \text{or} \quad q^{-1} = (-q_0, \bar q) \\ \text{quaternion concatenation:} \quad & q \circ q' = (q_0 q'_0 - \bar q^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}\bar q',~ q_0 \bar q' + q'_0 \bar q + \bar q \times \bar q') \\ \text{vector application, $x\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$:} \quad \label{eqApp} & q \cdot x = (q \circ (0,x) \circ q^{-1})_{1:3} \quad\text{(or via matrix)} \end{align}\]

Eqs. $\eqref{eqLog}$ and $\eqref{eqExp}$ follow from $\eqref{eqAngle}$ and $\eqref{eqAxis}$, but why they are defined as ’log’ and ’exp’ will become clear below. Concerning the application of a rotation quaternion $q$ on a vector $x$, equation $\eqref{eqApp}$ is elegant, but computationally less efficient than first converting to matrix using $\eqref{eqMatrix}$ and then multiplying to the vector. Note that concatenating quaternions as well as applying a quaternion to a vector never requires to compute a $\sin$ or $\cos$, as opposed, e.g. to the Rodriguez’ equation (see below).

Continuously moving from $I$ to $q$ – exponential and log mappings

Given a quaternion $q$, how can we continuously move from the ${\rm\bf I}=(1,\bar 0)$ to $q$? The answer is simply given by continuously increasing the rotation angle $\eqref{eqAngle}$ from $0$ to $\theta$. Let $t\in[0,\theta]$ be the interpolation coefficient, we have

\[\begin{align} q(t) &= (\cos(t/2),~ \sin(t/2)~ \widehat w) ~. \label{eqExp0} \end{align}\]

This “motion” from ${\rm\bf I}$ to $q$ is a geodesic (=shortest path) on $S^3$ (w.r.t. to the natural embedded Euclidean metric of ${\mathbb{R}}^4$), and it has constant absolute velocity:

\[\begin{align}\label{eqVel} \dot q(t) &= (-\sin(t/2),~ \cos(t/2)~ \widehat w)~,\quad |\dot q(t)| = \textstyle\frac 12 ~. \end{align}\]

At the origin (for $t=0$), the velocity is $\dot q(0) = \textstyle\frac 12 (0, \widehat w)$, which shows how the rotation axis $\widehat w$ provides the tangent vector at ${\rm\bf I}$. For $t>0$ the velocity $\eqref{eqVel}$ “rotates along the tangent arc” on $S^3$. We can show that $\dot q(t)$ can also be written as (using that $\widehat w$ and $\bar q(t)$ are colinear):

\[\begin{align} \textstyle\frac 12 (0, \widehat w) \circ q(t) &= \textstyle\frac 12 (0 q_0(t) - \widehat w^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}\bar q(t),~ 0 \bar q(t) + q_0(t) \widehat w + \widehat w \times \bar q(t)) \\ &= \textstyle\frac 12 (0 - \sin(t/2),~ \cos(t/2)~ \widehat w + 0) ~=~ \dot q(t) ~. \label{eqDotq} \end{align}\]

Eq. $\eqref{eqDotq}$ is a differential equation of the form $\dot q(t) = \alpha q(t)$, but with the multiplication being the group operation $\circ$. The solution $q(t)$ to this differential equation is defined as the exponential map.2 Namely, for a vector $w=t\widehat w \in {\mathbb{R}}^3$ we define

\[\begin{align} \exp(t \widehat w) &= (\cos(t/2),~ \sin(t/2)~ \widehat w) ~,\quad \Rightarrow~ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \exp(t \widehat w) = \textstyle\frac 12 (0, \widehat w) \circ \exp(t \widehat w) ~, \end{align}\]

fully consistent to $\eqref{eqExp0}$ and $\eqref{eqDotq}$. Conversely, given a quaternion, we define the log as

\[\begin{align} \log(q) &= 2 \mathop{\mathrm{acos}}(q_0)~ \textstyle\frac{\bar q}{|\bar q|} ~. \end{align}\]

Continuously moving from $q_A$ to $q_B$ – interpolation in quaternion space

Consider two quaternions $q_A, q_B$. When concatenating $q_B = q_{BA} \circ q_A$, you should think of $q_{BA}$ as describing an “additional” rotation in the output coordinates of $q_A$. This is exactly as multiplying matrices $R_B = R_{BA} R_A$, where $R_{BA}$ describes a rotation from orientation $R_A$ to orientation $R_B$. The relative rotation $q_B / q_A \equiv q_B \circ q_A^{-1} = q_{BA}$ retrieves exactly this relative rotation from $q_A$ to $q_B$.

There are two ways to interpolate between orientations $q_A$ and $q_B$. Let $t\in[0,1]$. The proper interpolation uses the exponential map:

\[\begin{align} q(t) = \exp(t\log(q_B/q_A)) \circ q_A ~. \label{eqInter} \end{align}\]

This first computes the relative transform $q_{BA} = q_B/q_A$, computes its tangent vector representation $\log(q_{BA})$, and interpolates from ${\rm\bf I}$ to $q_{BA}$ as we described above. Finally it multiplies $q_A$ from the right, making all this relative to orientation $q_A$. For completeness, the velocity is

\[\begin{align} \dot q(t) &= \Big[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \exp(t\log(q_B/q_A))\Big] \circ q_A \\ &= \Big[\textstyle\frac 12 (0, w_{BA}) \circ \exp(t\log(q_B/q_A))\Big] \circ q_A \\ &= \textstyle\frac 12 (0, w_{BA}) \circ q(t) ~. \label{eqInterVel} \end{align}\]

As an alternative, we can define the embedded interpolation as

\[\begin{align} q(t) = \text{normalize}((1-t)~ q_A + t~ q_B) ~, \label{eqLinInter} \end{align}\]

where $\text{normalize}(q) = q / |q|$. This assumes that the two quaternions are sign aligned, i.e. $q_A^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}q_B \ge 0$. This interpolation seems native. However, it describes the exact same path as the proper interpolation: along the geodesic arc on $S^3$ from $q_A$ to $q_B$. The only difference is that it does not have constant absolute velocity on $S^3$. The non-normalized interpolation $(1-t) q_A + t q_B$ in ${\mathbb{R}}^4$ has constant velocity, but the projection to $S^3$ modulates velocities depending on the angle of the tangent space to the embedded interpolation. But note that, as $q_A^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}q_B \ge 0$, the angle between $q_A$ and $q_B$ in ${\mathbb{R}}^4$ is at most 90 degrees; and therefore the angle between the linear interpolation and the tangent spaces is at most 45 degrees – in this worst case, the velocities at start and end are by a factor $1/\sqrt{2}$ larger than in the middle.

The point here is that interpolation of rotations is very intuitive: “straight” interpolation on the sphere $S^3$ which can equally described using $\eqref{eqLinInter}$ (with the exponential map) or the naive embedded interpolation $\eqref{eqLinInter}$. But only the proper interpolation with the exponential map has constant absolute velocity.

Angular Jacobian w.r.t. Quaternion Parameters

Assume we have a quaternion $q\in{\mathbb{R}}^4$ as a parameter of some optimization problem and need a Jacobian w.r.t. $q$. More concretely, we want to know the angular velocity $w = J \dot q$ that is induced by a velocity (or infinitesimal variation) of $q$. To relate to Eq. $\eqref{eqInterVel}$ we think of $q=q_A$ as the base orientation, and $\dot q$ as moving from $q_A$ to $q_B$. Eq. $\eqref{eqInterVel}$ for $t=0$ becomes

\[\begin{align} \dot q &= \textstyle\frac 12 (0, w) \circ q ~. \end{align}\]

This equation holds if $\dot q$ is tangential to $S^3$, and translates $\dot q$ to an angular vector $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$ relative to the orientation $q$ (just how $w_{BA}$ was the angular vector relative to the base orientation $q_A$). Under these tangential assumptions, we can directly read out $w$ by multiplying $q^{-1}$ from the right,

\[\begin{align} \dot q \circ q^{-1} &= {\textstyle\frac{1}{2}}(0,w) ~,\quad w = 2~ [\dot q \circ q^{-1}]_{1:3} ~. \end{align}\]

However, in the case where $\dot q$ is non-tangential, i.e., $\dot q^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}q \not=0$, the change in length of the quaternion does not represent any angular velocity. One approach is to first tangentialize $\dot {\widehat q} = \dot q - q q^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}\dot q$. However, when pluging in the tangentialized $\dot{\widehat q}$ we get

\[\begin{align} w &= 2~ [(\dot q - (q^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}\dot q) q) \circ q^{-1}]_{1:3} \\ &= 2~ [\dot q \circ q^{-1}]_{1:3} - 2~ (q^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}\dot q) [q \circ q^{-1}]_{1:3} ~, \end{align}\]

and the latter term is identically zero. So, our “tangentialization term” drops out anyway.

To construct the Jacobian, let’s assume $\dot q=e_i$ is one of the unit vectors $e_0,..,e_3\in{\mathbb{R}}^4$. Then we have

\[\begin{align} w_i &= 2~ [e_i\circ q^{-1}]_{1:3} ~. \end{align}\]

Further, if $q$ itself was not normalized we want the angular Jacobian of $\widehat q = \textstyle\frac 1{|q|} q$ w.r.t. $q$. As the above relation between $q$ and $w$ is linear, we have

\[\begin{align} w_i &= \textstyle\frac 2{|q|}~ [e_i \circ \widehat q^{-1}]_{1:3} ~. \end{align}\]

Based on this we construct the angular quaternion Jacobian with 4 columns

\[\begin{align} J_{\cdot i}(q) = \textstyle\frac 2{|q|}~ [e_i \circ \widehat q^{-1}]_{1:3} ~, \end{align}\]

so that we have $w = J(q)~ \dot q$ for any (also non-normalized, non-tangential) $q$ and $\dot q$.

Again, note that this angular vector $w$ is to be interpreted relative to $q$, in the output space of $q$. To translate this to a world coordinate angular Jacobian, we need to transform by $q$ again. To give a more complete example: if we have a pose $q_B = \text{normalize}(q) \circ q_A$ that is parameterized by arbitrary (non-zero) $q\in{\mathbb{R}}^4$, then $\dot q$ translates to a world coordinate angular velocity $w = q_B \cdot J(q) \dot q$ of the pose of $B$.

Random rotations & “Gaussians”

To get a random rotation, we want to uniformly sample from $S^3$. This is particularly easy by first sampling $q\sim{\mathbb{N}}(0,1)$ in ${\mathbb{R}}^4$ and then normalize.

To sample a rotation “Gaussian around a mean” quaternion $q$, we have two options (akin to the interpolation options): The tangent space sampling:

\[\begin{align} q' = \exp(w) \circ q~,\quad w = {\cal N}(0,\sigma^2) \in {\mathbb{R}}^3 ~, \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align} q' = \text{normalize}(q + \delta/2)~,\quad\delta= {\cal N}(0,\sigma^2) \in {\mathbb{R}}^4 ~. \end{align}\]

In the limit of small $\sigma^2$ these become the same, as the Gaussian projected to the tangent space is the same as the Gaussian in the tangent space.

Similarly: Rotation vector and angular velocity

To recap, a rotation vector is $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$, with rotation axis $\widehat w = \frac{w}{|w|}$, and rotation angle $\theta= |w|$ (in radians, using the right thumb convention).

The application of a rotation described by $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$ on a vector $x\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$ is given as (Rodrigues’ formula)

\[\begin{align} w \cdot x &= \cos(\theta)~ x + \sin(\theta)~ (\widehat w\times x) + (1-\cos(\theta))~ \widehat w(\widehat w^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}x) ~. \end{align}\]

This directly also implies convertion to a rotation matrix, as the rows of the corresponding rotation matrix are simply $w \cdot e_i$ for the unit vectors $e_{1:3}\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$. To simplify the notation, we define the skew matrix of a vector $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$ as

\[\begin{align} \text{skew}(w) = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}0 & -w_3 & w_2 \\ w_3 & 0 & -w_1 \\ -w_2 & w_1 & 0\end{array}\right) ~. \end{align}\]

This allows to express the cross product as matrix multiplication, $w \times v = \text{skew}(w)~ v$. The rotation matrix $R(w)$ corresponding to a given rotation vector $w$ then is:

\[\begin{align}\label{eqRodriguez} R(w) &= \exp(\text{skew}(w)) \\ &= \cos(\theta)~ {\rm\bf I}+ \sin(\theta)/\theta~ \text{skew}(w) + (1-\cos(\theta))/\theta^2~ w w^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt} \end{align}\]

The $\exp$ function is called exponential map (generating a group element (=rotation matrix) via an element of the Lie algebra (=skew matrix)). The other formular is called Rodrigues’ formular: the first term is a diagonal matrix (${\rm\bf I}$ is the 3D identity matrix), the second terms the skew symmetric part, the last term the symmetric part ($w w^{\mkern-1pt \top \mkern-1pt}$ is also called outper product).

Angular velocity & derivative of a rotation matrix: We represent angular velocities by a vector $w\in{\mathbb{R}}^3$, with rotation axis $\widehat w$, and rotation velocity $|w|$ (in radians per second). When a body’s orientation at time $t$ is described by a rotation matrix $R(t)$ and the body’s angular velocity is $w$, then

\[\begin{align}\label{eqDotR} \dot R(t) = \text{skew}(w)~ R(t)~. \end{align}\]

(That’s intuitive to see for a rotation about the $x$-axis with velocity 1.) Some insights from this relation: Since $R(t)$ must always be a rotation matrix (fulfill orthogonality and determinant 1), its derivative $\dot R(t)$ must also fulfill certain constraints; in particular it can only live in a 3-dimensional sub-space. It turns out that the derivative $\dot R$ of a rotation matrix $R$ must always be a skew symmetric matrix $\text{skew}(w)$ times $R$ – anything else would be inconsistent with the contraints of orthogonality and determinant 1.

Note also that, assuming $R(0)=I$, the solution to the differential equation $\dot R(t) = \text{skew}(w)~ R(t)$ can be written as $R(t)=\exp(t~ \text{skew}(w))$, where here the exponential function notation is used to denote a more general so-called exponential map, as used in the context of Lie groups. It also follows that $R(w)$ from $\eqref{eqRodriguez}$ is the rotation matrix you get when you rotate for 1 second with angular velocity described by $w$.

  1. In the original meaning, they are defined as $q = q_0 + q_1 i + q_2 j + q_3 k$, with $j,k$ being extensions to the imaginary number $i$. But we just treat them as 4-vectors. 

  2. When describing $\text{SO}(3)$ as a Lie groups, analogous equations appear when tangent motion is integrated to continuously move to group elements. The solutionis defined as $\exp(\cdot)$ of a tangent vector.